an online bibliography of pseudocoordination


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This page is intended as a comprehensive bibliography of pseudocoordination in Korlai; for discussion, see Section of Ross (2021). If you have any feedback or additional references to suggest, please contact me.



In Korlai, a Portuguese-lexified creole, the borrowed Marathi coordinator ani 'and' has developed into a converb suffix, which is used in multi-verb constructions.

Primary references

Clements, J. Clancy. 1996. The genesis of a language: the formation and development of Korlai Portuguese. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Pages 124–125]

Clements, J. Clancy. 2007. Korlai (Creole Portuguese), or Nɔ Liŋ. In John Holm & Peter L. Patrick (eds.), Comparative Creole Syntax: Parallel Outlines of 18 Creole Grammars, 153–173. London: Battlebridge. [Pages 165–166]